Dave Parrish
on June 11, 2024
Ps. 18:33 “He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places.”
The deer is a jumper. Once, a deer jumped over my car in a remote mountain area. David says we actually have deer’s feet to jump over difficulties. Life is a series of obstacles we are confronted with continually. The Lord puts a spring in our steps, and we can get on top of our problems instead of being buried by them. Our problems will not disappear, nor will they cause us to give up and give in through defeat. We can jump like deer in high places, getting God’s vision on our difficulties as an overcomer.
God also places us on solid ground. These high places are the perspective God gives as we see our difficulties. These high places could be similar to Paul, who says, “We are seated in heavenly places.” This solid ground may be viewed as precarious by some. It is not always the ideal circumstances that allow God to put us in high places. It may be less than favorable circumstances but when God places us there, it is a high place because God places us there with His power. May we experience all these realities and more.
--- Dan Nelson
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