Lisa McDonald
on June 5, 2024
Let me tell you this. I
am fed up with your insane, sick, perverted woke ideology.
I am fed up with the party of groomers and perverts. The party of socialists and commies. The party of government moochers and give me the free shit crowd. I'm fed up with a party of terroist loving traitors, Antifa and BLM lovers. I am fed up with the party that has turned our beautiful cities into third-world shitholes.
Mostly, I am fed up with corrupt politicians on both the left and the right, the imposters, the thieves, and the traitors. I am fed up with the wild spending sprees and the pork in the bills our congress passes.
I reject your ideology
I reject you
I won't take your bullshit anymore.
Lefties, you can't count the number of fu€ks that I don't care what you think, feel
or emote. I am just going to say it - in my opinion you are either a pervert, a thief, a government moocher and from the give me free shit crowd, mentally ill or retarded.
Now Gfy!
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