Eric T Brown
on November 19, 2020
Shoulders are getting stronger I used to have to push my self to do 300 pounds on the hammer strength shoulder press now it is easy Hammer strength shoulder press 100 x20, 200 x5, 300 x5, 300 x5, 300 x5, 300 x5. Shoulder press machine 100 x5, 100x5, 100 x5, 100 x5, 100 x5. Rear deltoids cable face pull 50 x5, 50 x5, 50 x5, 50x5, 50 xx5. Rear deltids machine 100 x5, 100 x5, 100 x5, 100 x5, 100 x5. Hammer strength traps 300 x5, 300 x5, 300 x5, 300 x5, 300 x5. Fixed weight barebell raises 20 x5, 20 x5, 20 x5, 20 x5, 20 x5. Machine deltiods lateral raises 40 x5, 40 x5, 40 x5, 40 x5, 40 x5. Upright rows 20 x5, 20 x5, 20 x5, 20 x5, 20 x5. Tricpes cable pull-down 10 x5, 100 x5, 100 x5, 100 x5, 100 x5, 100 x5. Hammer strength preacher curls 80 x5, 80 x5, 80 x5, 80 x5, 80 x5. Cardio one mile on bike OK I need food and a nap HAHAHHA.
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