Conservative Momma
on May 12, 2024
Mom, I had a bad dream, can you pray for me?
Mom, can you tie this?
Mom, can you comb this?
Mom, can you make this?
Mom, can I eat this?
Mom, can I watch this?
Mom, can you sign this?
Mom, can you sew this?
Mom, can you get this out?
Mom, can you buy this?
Mom, can you quiz me on this?
Mom, can you read this?
Mom, can you watch this?
Mom, can you smell this?
Mom, can you listen to this?
Mom, can you fix this?
Mom, can you cook this?
Mom, can you clean this?
I can’t tell you how many times I hear “mom can you,” in a day.
Yes, it’s the most demanding role there is, but it is also the most rewarding.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Society tells us that the monotony of Motherhood is frivolous work, I disagree.
Mom is one of the most influential roles there is. To be tasked with raising Godly leaders in a world that is desperate for leadership and truth, the role of “Mom” is immeasurable.
Wishing all the Moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day! 💝
Your ability to influence the world and make a difference is in the “can yous.”
“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” CS Lewis
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