Dave Parrish
on May 1, 2024
22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness;
His mercies begin afresh each morning.
--- Lamentations 3:22-23 (NLT)
For verses 22&23 - Jeremiah saw one ray of hope in all the sin and sorrow surrounding him: “The faithful love of the Lord never ends...Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” God willingly responds with help when we ask. Perhaps there is some sin in your life that you thought God would not forgive. God’s steadfast love and mercy are greater than any sin, and he promises forgiveness.
For verse 23
Jeremiah knew from personal experience about God’s faithfulness. God had promised that punishment would follow disobedience, and it did. But God also had promised future restoration and blessing, and Jeremiah knew that God would keep that promise also. Trusting in God’s faithfulness day by day makes us confident in his great promises for the future.
--- Life Application Study Bible notes
Dear Lord,
I praise You for Your unfailing love. Pour upon us abundantly with Your love that leads us to repentance, Your truth that breaks the yoke of injustice. You are forever good.
I thank You for the gift of life today, You are merciful and Your mercies begin afresh each day. You have so many promises for Your children whose hope and trust is in You.
I continue to seek for Your loving presence as Your faithful love never ceases.
In Jesus’ name,
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