Michael wells
on April 30, 2024
I'm calling on All American Patriots and All American who loves this country get as many as your friends and less organized let's head to these universities and let's clean the floor with these terrorist sympathizing punks who have taken over our communities and attacked our Jewish brothers and sisters it's time to fight back the FBI the doj the Biden administration they're the cause of this now they want to bring in Palestinian terrorists from the Gaza strip into our country we must not let this happen
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Glenn Tenney
It's your Jewish brothers and sisters who are professors INDOCTRINATING YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS INTO COMMUNISM...FUCK THE JEWS !!!
April 30, 2024
Glenn Tenney
Glenn Tenney replied - 4 replies
Michael wells
You know what Don't ever text me again she racist b****
June 3, 2024
Glenn Tenney
Glenn Tenney replied - 1 reply