Promises that can only be claimed by Believers in Christ
Rom. 8: 28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and who are called according to His purpose.
This famous verse must be understood if you think it applies to everyone. We see how it applies only to those who have Christ in their lives and the Holy Spirit guiding us. Breaking the verse down clearly indicates how God guides us and causes all things to happen for our good. It says:
"All Things": If God knows every sparrow that falls and every hair on our heads, He can take all things and weave a wonderful tapestry in our lives regardless of the bad things that happen.
"Work Together for Good": He did not say everything is good. A lot of bad things happen to us. They can break us, cause us to be bitter, and kill our useability by God. But God takes the bad things and good things and causes them to work together. We don't make sense of them if we isolate them from God's plan, but when woven together with the good God has in mind for us, we experience them to fulfill God's purpose in our lives.
"For Them Who Love God": We respond to God in a Father/Child relationship because He has our best interest in mind and His ways are good and right. We love His Word and are grateful for His salvation to see His blessings in our life that far outweigh the discipline He gives. When bad things happen, we must know they are Father-filtered, and He can use them for a purpose.
"To Them who are Called According to His Purpose": God wants all to be saved and come to His salvation. When we respond to His Call, He gives us a purpose and reason to tread through this world. He has a plan to make us like Christ, and we enter that purpose by trusting in His Word and living by it. His purposes are realized as we look back and sing with the hymn "This my song through endless ages: Jesus led me all the way." It is a wonderful way to live no matter what comes our way.
This great verse helps us realize the productiveness of our life in Christ if we understand how God uses everything to fulfill His purpose in us and bring about the good, which overshadows the bad. Our relationship with God is more than an escape from Hell but a way to live life to its fullest.
--- Dan Nelson
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