Steve Seliotis
on November 15, 2020
Blocking Idiots... heads up.
Many new people are using this new platform and others, because they either finally got sick of the Echo Chamber That is Facebook and Twitter, and all the censorship of conservative views and media. Or, they were slowly forced off the platform as they became repeat FB Felons..
I'm a Facebook convict, always in FB jail, I know I'm not the only one here.. but here's the thing... it doesn't take much for a conservative to get pushed off of FB anymore.. At this point, even the mildest, most soft spoken conservatives I know, are going to FB jail for the first time.. Some of them, seemingly just for being Trump supporters.
HOWEVER... it takes a FUCK TON, for a leftist to get kicked off FB..You can incite violence against members of law enforcement, you can call people names, like Nazi, Threaten people.. pfft, I've had several people threaten me.. One dude threatened to kick my teeth in, I was high at the time and had the munchies, so i told him to stop and get me a McChicken combo on his way over..One Idiot, with an Antifa flag for a profile pic, which seems to be popular among idiots... even threatened to burn down my house.. Now, generally I don't report people, I'm a grown up, i just tell people to fuck off, but i did report that.. I was told it didn't go against "community standards"
Point being, since you got to be a complete piece of human trash to be a leftist and get kicked off Facebook, All the most hateful, virulent pieces of leftist trash are here... and on the other newer platforms...and i'm not talking about middle of the road Democrats/Liberals.. I'm talking about hard core leftist/Socialist/ Communists.. Thankfully, they are hardly the majority...but fair warning.. since you fucktards ruined FB... i'm not wasting one second of time with you idiots here...
If people want to politely disagree, fine.. all good and well, you want to come on strong with the insults right off the bat...FUCK OFF! .. It's the Ban Hammer for you!
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Cheryl K
Im about to be on parole from facebook. Youre right, libbies can say what they want and nothing happens.
November 15, 2020
You go dude. I got 30 days on FB recently for posting this meme in response to a friends post showing an outlandishly over done paint job on a CAR.???
November 15, 2020