Ralph Harris
on November 15, 2020
Does anyone else notice how the one political party is trying to suppress things .
Oh now we have a huge corona virus break out albiet that there is wrong doing being exposed in the election.
I for one have had enough of this propaganda nonsense!
We can not think for ourselves Really? The so called( peaceful protest) subsided when one candidate was linked with the organization's BLM and Antifa.
Then the attack on historical landmark's,the guise thru racism was away to tear down the fact that we as a people can stand up to a tyrant goverment.
Had nothing to do with slavery if this was the case then why did so many blacks fight on the side of the confederacy?
Big buisness thrived during the quarantine you could gather as a protest rally but couldn't go to church wanted you to vote by mail stay home do your shopping on line,oh sorry have to use electronic funds to pay for things .
So much of this is steps to total control of the masses.
I grew up in a time where you weren't so easily offended,you could say what you felt to a extent of not being libel for untruths.
Wasn't so easily offended by little shit that you threw a tantrum and got your way.
I had to get this off my mind i feel now more than ever things in my life job, wellbeing,my future my RIGHTS are in jeapordy of being taken away and the only way we can retain them or retrieve them pending on the outcome of this farce of a election,will only be achieved thru solidarity and bloodshed.
What better way to cripple a nation than by coercing it into a civil war?
I by no means am racist i have no white privilege my family never owned any other people's but tha sad truth remains erase history and it is doomed to repeat itself!
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