Michelle Morelock Byrd
on November 15, 2020
Breaking news: US Military release data from German Servers, showing Trump receiving 410 electoral votes and Biden 128.
It was the State Dept. in combination with the DOJ. They had the US Military with them for support. The are RUMORS going around that it was raid. It wasn't a raid. They had the documents signed off properly with German officials. I'm thinking the US Military has it in custody. The HERE WE GO page on Facebook is the first one to report on it.
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Jim Loos
Please let this be true and put sone of these corrupt politicans in jail.
November 15, 2020
Amelia West
I'll be the happiest person if this is really true!!! I WISH FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP TO HAVE FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!
November 15, 2020