Harry Novak
on November 15, 2020
We've come to the pinnacle point in our history where we finally have two choices..fight and be free, or continue to sit on our butts, whining on social media about fraud in elections, or wait till the next election..folks, this hasnt improved by elections in over a hundred years and it never will, tyrants and traitors who have illegally ursurped power that is not theirs constitutionally will never willingly lay it aside, it must be taken by force. This is where we stand now, do we allow this farce of an election to continue and suffer everything we all now know is going to befall us, the forced, mandatory vaccinations, gun confiscations, weapons and magazine bans. America is the last great hope for the world, have you not heard the warnings from holocaust survivors, people in Australia who are disarmed, and look at Venezuela france, england, all countries disarmed... If we do not stand up as one right now and take back our republic, restore the full Constitution, abolish all unconstitutional abc agencies, shut down the federal reserve, all black ops under the table programs... we will never again have the means or opportunity. We will be disarmed, vaccinated with God knows what, and suffer the full implementation of agenda 21 parameters. I know everyone is a tuff x box commando here on social media, but people..it's way past time to stand up and be real !! Our founders did it with a lot less gear and provisions than we have at our disposal, and with little to no military training, they defeated the most powerful military of the time. We have a powerful military here, BUT... they are americans and I do not believe that the majority of them will fight against us. The see and feel the same things we do and I can tell you from all my years as a soldier...we dont agree with the govt or its so called leadership, many of them will join our cause, and many wont fire upon us at all... Time is no longer on our side people, just hard reality, so, stand up now and be free, or continue your delusional complacency and be slaves or worse... I know my choice and I'll do it all alone if needed, I wont be a slave.
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