DG Woods
on March 26, 2024
This is what winning looks like. Are they going to cheat this year??? Absolutely!!! Can we still win??? Yes we can!!! It's time to use the tactics that they've applied to our advantage. We must use the enemies weapons against him! Flood the polls. Ballot harvest from your friends neighbors and family!!! Become a poll watcher in your local district!! Run for local office, even if it's a position on the County School Board, city council or any other position. This is the only way we're going to take this country back! We have the numbers! We can defeat them! We can do this! It's time to Make America Great Again!! This is not just about Trump. He has given us the tools and weapons and the motivation and the momentum. We need to take advantage of this. The only way we're going to win is if he wins and we support him Nationwide by taking over the system that they created. This is war people and we need to act accordingly and fight with any and all means necessary. It doesn't have to come to violence although it more than likely will, we just need to be ready and have people in place. They built a network of ngos and corrupt district attorneys and judges. So before you vote do a deep dive into all the candidates and see where they stand on issues. This is not a game anymore. They want us all dead or slaves.
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