President Nixon bore the brunt of leftists', Democrats', wrath over Nam. But the irony? It was LBJ, a Dem, who ramped up Nam into the colossal disaster it became. And it was President Nixon, a Republican, who ended it and brought our troops home.
But as always, the Dems use the old commie tactic of tell a lie loudly enough as much as possible and most will believe it. Especially when they have control of the MSM.
What ever his faults, Nixon actually was a fine president. Lots of great achievements if the truth were correctly told.
As far as Watergate, well c'mon. No worse, and certainly WAY less worse, than what the Dems have done over the decades. Especially over the last twenty years.
Should he have been impeached and resigned? Yeah. The evidence was there. But so, too, should Clinton, Obama, and Biden been run out of office. Even more criminal is Obama running a third term exploiting the feeble brain dead Creepy Joe.
I'd take a Richard Nixon over all three of those any day. And that's really saying something as I, regrettably, voted for both Clinton and Obama before I came to my senses in 2014 and realized I'd been voted wrong.
As a JFK style moderate I kept hoping the party and its tenets would go back to what he represented, which, to me, was socially moderate, fiscally conservative, militarily strong, pro-Christian, and pro-America.
But by Obie's second term in 2014 I finally accepted that the last great Democrat president was JFK, and look what they did to him.
It took me a while, even though I'd become increasingly disenchanted with the direction the Democrats had been going UP to Obama, to throw them into the garbage where they belong. But by 2014 I saw just how far left, the extremist left, they were going and I knew my association with them was done. I'd hoped Obama would be a JFK type. Instead, he was a genuine radical anti-American leftists who came into power as a Trojan Horse who initially sounded like like JFK. Nope. Totally bad juju as they say.
The "deep state" took out JFK. And they're doing their damndest to take out President Trump. So far it's not through manipulating the social and in particular the court system. But will they eventually try or do a Dallas '63 on him if the trend going against Obama/Biden/Dems continues into November?
These days, I don't put anything past the Dems in their pursuit of destroying the USA. Hang in there, folks.
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As a Vietnam Veteran I am utterly appalled by my own people for continually allowing this shit to go on n on n on n on n on n on!!!
We selflessly stood up and offered our lives to defend our Republic, Homes/Family and Freedoms!!
And this is how you repay us for standing up in all your places!!!

Jamal Smith
These reprobate miscreants in positions of power was doing this for a long time can anyone say JFK 🤔