Betsy Goff
on September 12, 2020
My sister cant get into her account . shes tried several times and still nothing.She really wants to be a part of this platform because she keeps getting fact checked and having her post pulled down. Ive tried messanging you but that feature muat not be working. The picture in this post is her account that she shared on facebook to have her friends come over to this platform. PLEASE HELP
Dimension: 828 x 1141
File Size: 394.03 Kb
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Kim Mathis
Tell her to sign up for a new account with the same info she used last time. That's what most of us did when we couldn't get back in. (Also, a few email companies are blocking reset emails and other stuff from WimKin. I still haven't received any emails from WimKin.)
September 12, 2020
Terri Davis
My emails were getting blocked, also. I registered for a new email address with a different platform...anything other than yahoo, outlook, gmail etc. I had to create a new profile on here, but I am getting my emails from Wimkin at my new email address now.
September 12, 2020