Wimkin Help & FAQ
on September 12, 2020
Red pill friends not on this platform yet?
Here is how to invite them:
I have not found a way to add friends from within this app. You can post links to social media but they will probably get removed due to the cyber-attacks against World Must Know (WMKN).
Instead I invite friends directly from the app store. 1. Go to the app store and search Wimkin
2. Give it a 5 star rating! ?
3. Click on the forward icon: top right hand corner (photo attached)
4. Choose either to send by email or messages. (Photo attached)
5. Select the people you want to invite
6. Include a personal message and provide your user name
7. Include a screenshot of your page
8. Hit share
9. If you know of a better way please comment below and I will update this post!
??Thank you??
**Please only invite your Red Pills friends who believe in the freedom of speech and are not child predators!!
Dimension: 1242 x 2208
File Size: 903.9 Kb
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