on November 14, 2020
BREAKING: Guys! Look, I wont share infirmation I dont trust. If I do and its wrong, it makes me look bad. Here is what I know so far. I follow Charlie Kirk on Facebook. I watch his videos. His live videos. Last week he said he was expecting major news to break on Dominion. Well, yesterday I heard nothing from Charlie. No live video feeds.
Later in the day I saw reports of "Release the Kraken". I wasnt sure what that was about. Then I heard & saw hard to find reports on the U.S. Army being involved in a raid in Germany. Saw that raid had to do with the software in the machines in the Dominion voter machines. Isnt it funny that the swing states stopped counting at a certain time of the night? Then there was a major firing of a Trump administration official the other day.
The guy in the image has dropped info recently that seems to be ahead of the curve. If this information is good, the election is over. Trumps attorneys should be at the US Supreme court with this soon and this election should be pushed to congress. If so, each state gets one vote and must vote party lines. 39 Republicans to 19 democraps. Guess who your president is for another 4 years? President Trump. The CIA was completely cut out of this operation. Now you know why democraps have been calling Biden, President Biden. Folks if this is legit, shits gonna hit the fan.
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