Dave Parrish
on March 11, 2024
It’s Not Too Late
If you don't like the beginning of your story, ask the Lord to give you a better ending.
Judges 16:1-31; Judges 17:1-13
Today let’s look further into the story of Samson. As part of the vow his parents had made to the Lord, Samson’s hair had never been cut. When Delilah eventually extracted this secret of his superhuman strength, she traded the information for a sizable sum of silver and conspired with her Philistine leaders. Delilah then stealthily cut Samson’s hair so that the enemies could ambush, blind, and imprison him (Judg. 16:18-21).
It was in this state of humiliation that Samson discovered hair wasn’t the source of his strength after all—God was. And in the final moments of his life, Samson fulfilled the promise God made to his parents before his birth (Judges 13:5): He overthrew the Philistines at the seat of their idolatrous worship.
Samson’s final act is a powerful reminder: As long as we’re alive, it’s not too late to fulfill the Lord’s purposes for us. So if you feel hopeless or think you’ve made too many mistakes to be useful to God, think again. No matter who you are or where you come from, you’re precious in God’s eyes. And His goal is to conform you to the image of His Son and work through you to reveal His glory.
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