on March 9, 2024
Germany won the war in unbelievably spectacular fashion in Operation Highjump where Adm Byrd's armada, the largest in recorded history, went to the pole and (Ashke)Nazi Foo Fighters came up from the water and cut through his entire army like a hot knife through butter in "less than 20 minutes" as relayed in Adm. Byrd's diary entries, decimating their fleet and war birds at superballistic speeds. Americans never even stood a chance.
As soon as the war ended with the fake announcement of the US winning, all of the top scientists and leaders from Germany were assigned the highest positions of power within the US mil under Operation Paperclip. They waited before they replaced the president with one of their own, as you'll see in a moment. But they already had the entire mil. from that moment forward.
This is why America has given over $300 BILLION dollars to Israel starting immediately after the war ended. This is $11,000,000,000 per DAY. That's not foreign aid, that's the gross domestic income of whole developed countries.
And they still control our military, which is why there is a massive Army/Navy/Marines/Air Force/Space Force full-scale war behind the scenes, with Gen. Sm1th issuing 'shoot to kill on sight' orders for anyone from FEMA, as they did recently in both Florida and Maui.
It was a silent takeover because the B0lshevik Khazarian Ashkenazi (Anunnakis) that had infiltrated and secretly taken over Germany didn't want anyone to know they had now taken over the USA, otherwise it would have been an unwinnable war back home on the streets and hills of America that owned half of all the guns and ammo in the entire world by less than 5% of the global population. Under no circumstances would Americans have allowed Nazis to take over this country, and Hitler knew it.
This is what Crypto J3ws do, they assume the identity of all their victims, and have been doing so for 12,000 years since they left Babylon. They have been here for MUCH, much longer than just that. Their MO is to prey upon the sympathies of good people, spinning wild lies about how oppressed they are. Then when they are done with that civilization, they leave it absolutely in ashes, both literally as well as within the minds of the collective consciousness of the world.
For example, did the Holocaust really take place? Hardly. Sure, it was war time and people died at Auschw1tz, but not even a fraction of what was claimed. The showers at the detention camp were forensically tested for gas residue, which was non-existent, and in fact the doors to the showers had never had a lock on them since the day the building was constructed. There were also no fingernail marks on the walls.
It was all lies to get the world to absolutely HATE Germany, (who they considered now their enemy while they went on to focus on taking over America), while at the same time being highly sympathetic toward the Jews, that they only posed being one of. Actually, the real Anunnaki invaders are Haplogroup J bloodtype that hold the 'sacred' position of religious leadership over actual J3ws, known as the Kohanim (Cohen) and the Levant, which factually carry the DNA of supposedly 'extinct' Neanderthalensis (Babylonian Sumerians/Cimmerians). Neanderthals are NOT extinct, they're just telling you that while acting like their peoples 'died out eons of time ago' so you wouldn't give it a second thought.
You're dealing with ETs here, not merely clever humans. They are infinitely more intelligent and educated than humans have ever been.
Preying on sentimentalism each time, the Jews cried repeatedly, every few years PRIOR to WW2 that "ten millions J3ws were slaughtered" in one claimed attack after another. And they just rolled out the same old story AGAIN after the war to garner sympathy so they could install "ant1Sem1t1sm" across the board as insulation to do anything they wanted to do. When in fact it is documented in the official census that the number of J3ws INCREASED during the war from 1939 (15.6 million world-wide J3wish population) to 1945 (15.8 million). It was all entirely a ruse.
The Babylonian Anunnaki left Sumer-Ur after a nuclear war left it radioactive. This was the act of Aries (known as Erra at that time) who was attempting to kill his half-brother Marduk. See Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro (Sodom and Gommorah) radioactive remains and the account in the Mahabharata.…
The Anunnaki went directly to Egypt, where they now became the Egyptian gods that taught them to be gay and openly ped0phile, causing the downfall of the country.…
After that they moved on to Greece, immediately becoming known as the 'Greek gods' (same gods as in Babylon, just transliterated into Greek), infiltrated their culture, turned them into gays and pedophiles, causing the downfall of the country.…
They went on to Rome and became the Roman Gods. Same gods, now in Roman letters. They quickly turned them into gays and pedophiles, causing the downfall of the country. Notice a pattern here?
After Rome's fall, that's when they created the "Catholic" church. They had been using the name Khath@rs after they had dropped Babylonians, Sumerians, Phoenicians, Canaanites, Cimmarians and a host of other names, turning into "Khatholics", all transliterations of Khazarian.
At this same time the new alphabet entered the brand-new letter C which not only denoted the K sound, but also the gentler C sound. So Khatholics now became C@tholics. But you forgot it was never simply "the Catholic Church", but has never changed to this day from the Roman Catholic Church. And the Roman Church was known prior to this as the Babylonian Mystery Religion that Rome adopted straight out of Sumer-Ur that was and still is pledged to the ancient pagan gods of Babylon.
The next stop for the Khathar Babylonians was regrouping on the Mongolian Steppes where they now split up, traveling literally in all directions away from Rom, usurping the identities of each culture. One of which was immediately the Danubian Principalities, which they at once changed the name to Romania in honor of their recent conquest. Yeah, that's where the guy known as Vlad Dracul ruled that drank the blood of his enemies (humans), the ancestor of current King Charles III.
The Anunnaki then went on to Tartaria (Russia) & up into the north where they would now become Nord1cs, spread into Germany, Italy, Malta, Sicily and effectively every country over the next thousand years. Think cancer.
Skipping over some centuries, they had already totally infiltrated Germany from the inside, silently putting into place Adolf Hitler (the son of James de Rothschild). That's how the Pan-Germans somehow got hold of superballistic levitation crafts from the Thule Society and knew all about ancient black magic. It was literally their own breakaway group from beyond the ice wall.
To this day it is against the law to bear the symbol of the Thule Society (because they wanted Germans to now look bad for having partnered with them, because of what they were doing next.
Once they had defeated America in the Antarctic that had forced its capitulation after they witnessed a technology that was utterly, in every possible way, impossible to overcome, they literally steamrolled their way across this country. And I do mean steamrolled the USA, by repeating the same infiltration using a different name as they had just done in Germany with Adolf Rothschild, by installing the Manchurian Candidate Barack Hitler Rothschild as president that undermined every piece of the American fabric that made this country great.
ETs are smart. Make no mistake, as they have unbroken historic records going back over 250,000 years. Not only in the form of 500,000 cuneiform clay tablets of Mesopotamia (Babylon) that predate the Masonic Bible (King James) by more than 10,000 years with the same old testament stories, but in the 50 miles of underground Vatican archives that include the original scrolls of the Library of Alexandria that they had stolen just before they burned the building to the ground.
Haplogroup J are also known in our history books as Sarmatians, which is merely a transliteration of Sumerians, as well as Cimmarians mentioned above. All of which hail directly from ancient Babylon, the home of the Aunnaki that meant ‘from heaven came’, where the wheel, the plow, indoor plumbing, production, writing, hydraulics, fabric, brick production, metallurgy, mathematics, philosophy, sailboats, chariots, numerals, taxes, calendars, codes-of-law, contract law, board games, stringed instruments, maps, schools, farmer's almanac, jobs, congress, Jewdicial systems, corporations, paved roads, banks and formal municipal services suddenly fell right out of the clear blue sky to earth while the rest of the world was still living in caves and trying to invent fire.
Your world has been commandeered a very long time ago. If the US military under the command of Space Force is going to put an end to the absolute tyranny, subjugation and chattel-farming (yes, you are their food source, hence Vlad 'Dracula') now, it will be the greatest accomplishment the human race has managed to achieve in 1 million generations, so be patient while these final remaining days of dystopia play out to show you a new and glorious future. And it IS coming.
#Infiltrated #WW2 #operationHighJump #Jews #Khazars #Anunnakis
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