Marla Hatchel
on November 13, 2020
Hi Annette - Just wanted you to know you have the option to view the entire community of posts or just be connected to your Friends.
I attached the creators (Jason) post about this new feature. At this time, you can only select this option from your desktop computer. It was just a few days ago that they opened the entire community up to everyone so we could befriend people we "connected with"...Since we all lost so many friends on FakeBook. (Note...I'm finding a lot of guys are requesting to be friends...I decline them all!)
It also might be helpful to know that Wimkin is only 95 days old and they are working feverishly to get it and running at a level we are all accustomed to on FakeBook.
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Annette Johnson Botzum
Thanks Marla.
November 14, 2020