on March 3, 2024
You see, my fascination with Israel is based primarily on what GOD is doing. Thousands of years ago as well as 15 minutes ago the story of Israel continues in the same vein as does the Biblical account.
Have you heard of Theodor Herzl or read his Book/Pamphlet, "The Jewish State?" The brilliance of Herzl is that he made the question of Zionism a political one.....
Are you aware of the many, many pograms against the Jewish People?
Do you know what the Belfour Declaration was and Churchill's failure concerning Trans Jordan?
(one has to be careful when reading some historical information. Antisemitism is as often as is the ink used to catalog such history)
I am being led in my spirit to share this history. I have studied this stuff for nearly 40 years
As a slap in the face Emperor Hadrian (Gay, Homeboy!) renamed Judea, Palaestina shortly after Bar Kokhba (and other non Jewish source confirm)
Many of the Jews were carted off to Rome and other or places, particularly to what is now known as Europe
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