I shared recently this post of Majorie Taylor Green,them folks on twitter showed my comment to Majorie Green,who is upset about the TRUTH I EXPOSE.AGAIN,I WILL NEVER SUPPORT RACIST FAKE israel a project created 14th May 1948. JACOB A BLACK MAN THE fake jewish HATE, NAME WAS CHANGE TO ISRAEL AFTER THE 👑Divine Most High💎 ANNOINTED HIM. NO LAND IS CALL ISRAEL⚡Anyone who supports false evil israel, is a racist & wicked as they are. Fake israel is the nazi, hitler was also a fake jewish, hitler was EXPOSING these blood thirsty WITCHCARFT WORKING demons who like to call themselves jewish and are khazarians. The so call blacks people, the false jewish hate, the false jewish keep killing by force, LIE ABOUT THEM are the REAL JEWS/JUDAH/ZION. There is no evidence hitler killed these khazarians, who like to call themselves jewish as they claim, thats their LIE STORY they cannot prove. ANYONE IN GERMANY WHO TRY TO INVESTIGATE THE KHAZARIAN WHO LIKE TO CALL THEMSELVES JEWISH, HOLOCAUST THEY KEEP FORCING DOWN PEOPLES THROAT, THEY ARE SILENCE, SENT TO PRISON. WHEN YOU LIVE IN THEIR FAKE ISRAEL, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO ANY DNA TEST TO FIND OUT IF YOU ARE GENUINE A JEW/Judah. Hitler gave these fake jewish billions to leave german,austria some left to the USA and many stayed in Germany ,Austria to still control it like they have been doing it for years. If hitler was such a bad man according to khazarians, who like to call themselves jewish, why would he give billions to leave Germany and those fake jewish who stayed LIVED A PRIVILLEGE LIFE STYLE⚡AYIKANM
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