#LauraLoomer say it ain't so?But all jokes aside.Laura Loomer's entire schtick was to to trick Christians to stop criticizing Jewish Israeli crime & subversion. Gary Beckman states that "ambiguous gender identification" was a characteristic of a category he refers to as "Ishtar type" goddesses.Ishtar was said to have 2 serventskurgarrū and assinnu which dressed in female clothing Several akkadian proverbs around the prieshood engaging in gay act regularyAkkadian hymn describes Ishtar transforming men into women. Do you see where this is going?Judaism is Talmudism which is based on the Oral Law of the Pharisee, those that were rebuked by Jesus constantly because of their heretical practices so obviously Jesus didnt follow that faith and thus wouldnt be a "Jew". So why are Jews like Laura Loomer trying to get Christians to accept Jesus as a Jew? But that's not important at the moment. @Kiityylist from Gab said this about Laura Loomer. The funny thing about all of these so-called America First candidates like Loomer is that former Bush/Clinton administration lackeys are pretty much always behind their campaigns. Karen Giorno (former?) Loomer for Congress campaign manager:Paid $489,000 by the Laura Loomer for Congress Campaign in 2020. Which would make sense because L. Loomer was seen in multiple pictures with Bill Clinton. Do you all see how they all switch sides when it is convenient? Remember when Liz Crokin was supporting Hillary Clinton? Remember when closet liberal Kari Lake was supporting Joe Biden for office over Donald Trump? Remember when she was seen in pictures with Barrack Obama? Now all of them are trying to convince you all they are conservative who support America 1st policies. The MAGA Movement has been infiltrated by liberals posing as Republicans/Conservatives. That cognitive dissonance will be kicking in once people see this post. Who supports Laura Loomer? Roger Stone & Michael Flynn. I do not know who needs to tell you all this but a political activists is not a real job. It's just a gateway and segue to make it easier to infiltrate political movements under the false pretense that you are actually employed. You all have figured out to some degree how deeply entrenched the corruption is. Because they do not expect you all to do any deep dives on them. Which is why they are able to skate past everyone without a hint of suspicion of who they are. Operating under this faux veneer of patriotism that clouds the perception of how people understand performance and genuine acts of purpose to restore the Republic. You were given certain players you think are "The Avengers" to this mission that you think are heroes working on our behalf. Do you still belive this to be true? #Ariel https://twitter.com/Prolotario1/status/1760318220236370367
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