Lynn Nasta
on November 12, 2020
I am so flipping sick and tired of the Napoleon-complexed teenie deweenie throwing down edicts on the Ohio populace, as if he is emperor!! He has brazenly proven himself to be anti-freedom, which is synonymous with being anti-American. He is, without a doubt, a communist in every sense of the word. Businesses, retailers, especially the major large chains, need to recognize that you have more power than you realize. You need to stop begging deweenie to take your power, run your companies and draft your employees into his personal little brown shirt minions. Unite and stand together to let him know, in no uncertain terms, that you will not obey his illegal mandates. He does not have the manpower to enforce the bs he's trying to pull if every business ignores his tantrum and does business as usual, as our constitution allows.
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