Dave Parrish
on January 13, 2024
6 What can we bring to the Lord?
Should we bring him burnt offerings?
Should we bow before God Most High
with offerings of yearling calves?
7 Should we offer him thousands of rams
and ten thousand rivers of olive oil?
Should we sacrifice our firstborn children
to pay for our sins?
8 No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God.
--- Micah 6:6-8 NLT
V6-8 - Israel responded to God’s request by trying to appease him with sacrifices, hoping he would then leave them alone. But sacrifices and other religious rituals aren’t enough; God wants changed lives. He wants his people to be fair, just, merciful, and humble. God wants us to become living sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2), not just doing religious deeds, but living rightly (Jeremiah 4:4; Hebrews 9:14). It is impossible to follow God consistently without his transforming love in our hearts.
V8 - People have tried all kinds of ways to please (6:6-7), but God has made his wishes clear: He wants his people to do what is right, love mercy, and walk humbly with him. In your efforts to please God, examine these areas on a regular basis. Are you fair in your dealings with people? Do you show mercy to those who wrong you? Are you learning humility?
--- Life Application Study Bible notes
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