“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.
--- John 15:1
In the Old Testament, there are many references to Israel as a vine planted by God, but she was an empty vine, a fruitless vine. Isaiah calls her a worthless vine that was to be made desolate for her unbelief. But God planted a second Vine; a true Vine, a Vine that will bear fruit, more fruit, much fruit. For unless a grain falls onto the ground and dies, it remains alone. But through Christ's death and Resurrection, He qualifies Himself as the true Vine Who will bring many sons to glory. Only as perfect Man and undivided Deity could Christ become God's true Vine. Only as perfect Man and undivided Deity could Christ die and rise again, for He has life in Himself and that life is freely available to all.
Oh! God has not thrown Israel away and left her desolate forever. On the contrary, he has a glorious plan of redemption for His nation, Israel, which will culminate when Christ returns in His Second Coming and they will recognise Him as the True Vine, Messiah, and Redeemer, and with one voice, shout to their conquering King: "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."
The beautiful picture of Christ as the true Vine captures the spiritual union of Christ with His people. He is the Source of our spiritual life, the fountain-head of all spiritual fruitfulness. We are the branches that spring forth from His eternal, life-giving stem, and without Him, we can do nothing. But as we abide in Christ and remain in Him (and He in us), He will do His good work through us so that we will produce the spiritual fruit that only flows from Him. Remember, our life is hid with Christ and it is only as His new-life quietly works unseen within our hearts, that we will bring forth fruit that glorifies the Father.
God the Father is the husbandman, and He it was Who gave His only begotten Son (the eternal Son of God Who was born as the perfect Son of Man) to be the true Vine. In His infinite wisdom and power, God the Father planted the true, life-giving Vine into the sinless life of the Man, Christ Jesus. The Father then nurtured and tended the true Vine Who grew in favour with God and man. And Christ was full of grace and truth, for He was filled from birth with the Holy Spirit of God.
As a natural vine-branch should bear sweet grapes, so we who are spiritual vine-branches should bear forth the spiritual fruit that comes from our true Vine: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
My Prayer
Thank You, Father, for the depth of truth that is discovered in Christ, my true Vine. Through His life in me, may my life produce much fruit that glorifies the Father in heaven. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Source: https://dailyverse.knowing-jesus.com/
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