on December 31, 2023
I called a friend who I have studied with for 8 years. I wanted to be clear with him about why I see things the way that I do. He understood completely adding, "Jeff, the more that I listen to your perspective the more that I see what you share happening in our world today.
My sister said, "You represent a sort of citizenship to GOD's governing of what is created as opposed to a religious, theological adherence. People are doing church as opposed to honoring their roll in the covenant government."
I see, so called "SALVATION" as the introduction to obligation!...not a ticket to a place "TRANSLATED" as heaven! I continue to learn I just don't couch what I understand in a church type facade. I don't wear a kepa or dress like Jewish people. I simply benefit from what GOD presented to the nations through the people that he chose to, "Say to the nations"
Isaiah 2:4
And He will judge between the nations,
And will render decisions for many peoples;
And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not lift up sword against nation,
And never again will they learn war.
I also continue to see tyranical government strangle FREEDOM, LIBERTY and JUSTICE...just as the ancients suffered, It is our turn to represent the KINGDOM which always amounts to suffering! The problem is we are not league with the ONE who granted this nation a Royal Covenant.
Human behavior does not change
I feel an absolute freedom to learn from a variety of people because I no longer see the biblical story from the lens of religious strangulation!
It is a lonely position for sure!
Studying the "GOOD NEWS" and TORAH (Instructions) did not make it a lonely position. It made me understand better my obligation having accepted...GOD's Terms.
My buddy said yesterday, "Jeff, I was watching a well known Christian lecturer who I have listened to for years say that the two silver trumpets mentioned in the Bible (NUMBERS 10) represent the first blast which raptures the church on the "feast of trumpets and the second blast is for the judgement of the Jewish people!"
He was appalled!
Like I said, TIS a lonely place out side of the box!
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