Paul De Haeck
on December 31, 2023
War: Young people who don't know each other have to kill each other because old people have decided that way
An asymmetric victory over the dark world elite is approaching
One day I came across a famous quote by Paul Valéry is so true, but at the same time so little value is attached to it: 'War is a place where young people, who do not know and do not hate each other, mutually kill each other, based on decisions of old people who know and hate each other, but who do not mutually kill each other.' But as long as the sheep, or 90% of the people, participate unwillingly and are willing to sacrifice themselves and their own children - either out of naivety, Whether out of indifference or fear, nothing will change, and the bloodshed in this world will continue unabated and will soon become the greatest massacre ever. Yet there is a glimmer of hope in the form of an unprecedented intervention that will bring down the entire world power system for good.
In Ukraine, at least half a million, mainly young people, have already died as a result of a senseless war (which of course applies to the vast majority of wars). This war was also caused by a combination of greed and geopolitical lust for power; the EU had set its sights on further expansion to the east, and still wants to annex Ukraine, rich in raw materials and the breadbasket of Europe. The US primarily sees Ukraine as an ideal military base from which Russia can be attacked and destroyed at some point. The fact that Europe will also be destroyed is not something that Washington will shed a single tear about.
300 people sacrificed to breed hatred of Russia
In 2014, Western secret services (CIA, MI6) staged a coup. A few weeks before the outbreak of the Maidan revolution, none other than Frans 'it has to be more social' Timmermans personally came to Kiev on behalf of the EU to see whether everything would work out to carry out the next imperialist power grab. And yes, the intrigues were successful. The democratically elected Ukrainian government was deposed, after which the fascist neo-Nazi regime, with the tacit consent and support of Europe, started a war of ethnic cleansing against the Russian-speaking population.
Of course, this could not be justified as long as no one in the West saw 'the Russians' as an enemy. So a full passenger plane en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was deliberately sent over a war zone and then shot down. This false flag attack was far from perfectly executed, but despite a truckload of evidence to the contrary, most people believed that Vladimir Putin was to blame. It was that simple to get Russian hatred back in the West: 'only' about 300 people had to be sacrificed.
Minsk peace agreements ignored by the treacherous West
Nevertheless, Russia, which can certainly be called a war-averse country compared to the US and Europe, was not at all looking forward to an armed conflict. Mainly thanks to the efforts of the Kremlin, the Minsk peace agreements were concluded, to which Western countries, in addition to Russia and Ukraine, also signed. Only to simply ignore this for years, which later, according to Angela Merkel's own words, was a deliberate deception to arm the Ukrainian army to the teeth. Because again: war with Russia was always the goal of the Western NATO elite.
Despite this shameless betrayal, Moscow tried year after year in vain to persuade the West to return to peace and cooperation, but without success. The militarization of Ukraine was intensified, as was the war against the virtually defenseless Russian-speaking population in the east of the country. Massacres and serious human rights violations were the order of the day, but because the 'wrong' people were the victims, the Western media paid no attention to it.
A necessary military intervention
After a banal Russian-hating actor named Zelensky was brought to power, who almost immediately turned 180 degrees on all his promises about making 'peace', it began to dawn in the Kremlin that the US/EU/NATO/WEF complex was indeed could well be bent on destroying Russia. When this clown of a president, a racist through and through, intensified the oppression of the Russian-speaking population and announced his intention to join NATO and become a nuclear weapons power again, Moscow's iron patience finally ran out. and in February 2022, military intervention was the only remaining solution.
Of course, Western politicians and media shouted bloody murder, swearing that Putin would quickly lose the war. However, that did not happen – on the contrary, with a to veWith a fairly small-scale military invasion, the 'oblasts' in the east were liberated by the Russians. However, the Ukrainian army could count on increasingly advanced weapons and other military support from NATO. Although the land war went in favor of the Russian armed forces, it did not allow them to gain superiority in the air - although it should be noted that the deployment of the Russian air force remained remarkably limited.
War lost, but politicians want to continue fighting
All in all, more than half a million people have now died, although during a war these are always rough estimates, as the figures and statistics are riddled with propaganda. However, most independent analysts agree that NATO/Ukraine has lost the war. The promised outdated Dutch F-16s will no longer make a difference; at most they will serve as target practice for the Russian anti-aircraft defenses. (Who knows, maybe 'outgoing' WEF Prime Minister Rutte has made a lucrative deal with the Kremlin about this? After all, no betrayal seems too much for 'The Lying Dutchman'. And I think he would be proud of it too...).
But despite this shameful defeat and the secret peace negotiations between top Russian and Ukrainian military bosses, Zelensky and the ruling Western politicians are determined to keep this carnage going. This is not only unbearably inhumane, but also very dangerous, because the risk that the conflict will escalate in 2024 and end in direct war with Russia (which NATO wants and plans) is considerable.
Leaders always let their subjects kill each other
In my Christmas Eve article I mentioned a number of other potential WW3 flashpoints, including of course Israel versus Hamas and supporting Islamic associates. The same story here too: leaders send their subjects against each other with weaponry to kill each other and many innocent civilians, and usually remain out of harm's way.
Unfortunately, it has always been that way throughout known human history. Despite the fact that the Second World War, with its tens of millions of deaths, is less than 80 years behind us, we are now heading seven leagues towards an even worse global massacre. And once again it is 'our' leaders who incite their populations with propaganda, lies and 'false flags' and sow hatred, and then send their armies, planes, ships and missiles against each other.
If you ask ordinary people, the vast majority do not want war, but simply continue to live their lives, which is often difficult enough with its own worries. Unfortunately, this silent majority is very easy to split up; Through the internet and mass media, 'divide and rule' has never been easier. Frustrating, but since indifference, egotism and self-centeredness are rampant these days, not very surprising.
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