Steve Seliotis
on November 11, 2020
Welcome to Chinada...
Their Climate change fear mongering couldn't get us to fall on our swords, collapse our economy, forgo capitalism and install communism... but they achieved that with covid....over 60% of small businesses in Canada went bankrupt during the first lock downs.....The Chinese government through it's various corporations that act as fronts, are buying up homes, apartment complexes, business parks, office space.. all now empty due to the MANUFACTURED financial crises brought on by our crooked politicians on both sides of the isle...The Communist government of China is now one of the largest property owners in Canada..and they have stationed Chinese Military members here to protect their interests..Canada dying...soon to become Chinada..and now this....whats not clear in this following graphic as that Trudeau is selling the debt to the IMF of the most corrupt organizations to ever walk the earth..
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