"The Prodical World"He pondered the question over in his mind, "Why don't we move out of these mountains?"There's just no opportunity here, the answer he got was of little understanding in those teenage years. The old man just stared off for a minute as if to anticipate the young boys thought, as he reached into his bib pocket for a Prince Albert can, his fingers brown from years of smoking he began to answer. Son living among some of the best people in the world year round, offers a way of life that money cannot buy. Someday when you look out over these ever changing mountains, you'll feel them as I do they're just like a blanket wrapped around you on a cold winter night. That's when you'll know the mountains are in my blood. People here in the mountain are full of grit and determination. Look around you people here reach out in sickness and trouble, and stay as long as needed. In the Springtime when the mountains awaken, the dogwoods and red buds open the season with blossoms all over the mountain side. People here clear garden plots in anticipation of the coming season, wildflowers line the roadsides and mountain streams are flowing. And in the summer with longer days. Gardens are tended with care, fruit jars and freezers are filled to brimming, days for swimming and fishing on the creek bank are ours for the taking. And when Autumn spreads her colors no artist can paint, it warms our hearts in preparation for the coming winter. And winters are a relaxing time when we bundle up and enjoy the fruits of our labors.Or just sitting by an open fire offers renewal for our souls. To take me out of these surroundings i would surely dry up and blow away like the leaves of fall. To leave these mountain? Never willingly!A lot of years have passed sense that question was answered. Our world was forever changing, if only we could have seen it coming back then, the simple life and old ways....where old men wore overalls, and old grandma's in their long dresses, were saying goodbye forever.By James Dishman Unknown farmer and his mule ♥️
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Gene Stanley
Never could roll Bull Durham , it was ground too fine , Prince Albert at 18 cents a can had the best flavor , Bugler was the easiest to roll at 10 cents a package .. You got free papers with most but it was worth the extra 3 cents to buy the gummed papers.. If you wanted menthol , there was Kite.. ... View More