Anna Cox
on November 10, 2020
A Veteran is like a mix between a guard dog and a bear. We take our oath seriously and truly believe that oath exists until the day we die. We lie in hibernation quietly, watching and praying that the freedoms we fought for, the freedoms we gave up to serve this country, are not infringed or lost for any American. We are a brother and sister hood of mixed races, religions, sexual orientation etc where the bonds are never severed, whether we talk ever day to each other or even if we haven't ever met. There's a love and respect that exists among the oath we raised our hand and took for the sake of preserving freedom for this wonderful country. We are bonded to the Constitution. We are bonded though our love for this Nation. And if the need ever rises, so will we... ~ Anna Cox, USN Veteran 2001-2005
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