Derrick Dennis
on November 28, 2023
They say Trump knowingly lost the Election and tried to convince Pence he had the power to overturn the results. They say Trump couldn’t accept the loss and called lawyers and when he called the Scumbag in Georgia he was ordering him to find the votes. Now let’s check reality. If you ran for office and you were campaigning while selling out Stadiums with thousands outside because they weren’t fortunate enough to get inside and your opponent had 8 people standing on circles, another time your opponent couldn’t fill a gymnasium while your supporters camped out overnight just to get inside your venue, would you question the outcome if you lost? If you were Trump and went state to state and there were miles of cars there just to get a chance to see your car pass and your opponent drove on the same road which was empty, then pulled up to his own venue with only 8 cars waiting, would you question the outcome if you lost? If you went on multiple news Networks, appeared and they had their highest ratings from your appearance and your morbid opponent em who rarely went on TV but when he did, nobody watched, would you question the outcome if you lost? Trump knows the fix was in. The ever so Corrupt Dems knew the fix was in. The media knows the fix was in. Joe and Obama knew the fix was in. Nothing in History has ever been so obvious, nothing ever so blatant. Yet these corrupt lawmakers want to say Trump TRULY doesn’t believe the election was rigged. They say he wanted to illegally change the outcome of the Election. They left out the part, Trump left his office peacefully on his last day, Jan20 without incident. Now Dems are starting to worry they went overboard. Now they worry they are losing the American people. Even Obama had his people leak a conversation he had with Biden, warning him that Trump is a strong and formidable opponent. Even Obama is trying to get ahead of the Avalanche that will rain on the entire Fucking Democrat Party. Believe me this shit is going to get very real and this will be the beginning of the end for many of them. Even those ugly yentas on the view are worried. These pigs on wigs who wish the worse on Trump and his family now say, just make him a deal if he doesn’t run for office, drop all the charges. A soft spot on their heart for Trump? We know better. They all want out of this mess because the shit will hit the fan. BIGLY! And they can feel the majority of the Country is starting to understand what REALLY is going on. and how Dirty the Dems really are. Even the calmness in Trump’s voice speaks volumes. He knows his redemption is coming and they all know they are fucked with no place to hide. Believe folks. Trump got this. We got this. God Bless.
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