Gerenda Darr
on November 10, 2020
Who's going to the BIGGEST RALLY EVER??? If you need more info here it is:
Meeting in Washington DC at the Washington Monument between 7am-12noon, March begins at noon, Marching to SCOTUS, then to the White House to POTUS!!! Can't Wait!!!
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Teresa Killebrew
Is there anything planned for those of us staying home? Can we put out ribbons or flags of support?
November 10, 2020
Gerenda Darr
Right Side News Network is going to be covering it live, they will have 3 crews there! Also if you cannot go, then go to your Capitol City, they have a March at Every Capitol City building Every Sat at Noon, that group is Stop The Steal! We went to ours last Sat, it was Awesome!! So Inspiring!!!
November 11, 2020