ICYMI : Turn Off The Media … #FreeYourMind“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s a the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”— Malcolm X #TheWorldIsAStage #FollowTheMoney #TurnOffTheMedia #Brainwashing #Programming #UnplugYourself #Research #TurnOffYourTV #MindControl #ThoughtPolice #ThinkForYourself #MustResearch #TheMoreYouKnow #KnowledgeIsPower #ResearchEverything #SeekTruthSpeakTruth #WakeUpTheWorld #ResearchRequired #FollowTheSilenced #FollowTheCensored #Politics #Government #World #DonEverson #Life #RealityCheck #RealTalk #RealLife #MediaCollusion #OperationMockingbird #Wimkin
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Bruce Douglas Miller
Oh no not a kid in a head dress...but a drag queen could wear into the same kids classroom and it's A OK.