on November 25, 2023
Silverado, California - Dec 2, 2023 - PERK Freedom is Everything
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Help us to continue to support our efforts as we advocate for medical freedom, bodily autonomy, children’s rights, parental rights & civil rights.
Enjoy the lush botanical gardens in the foothills of Orange County for an evening embellished with live music, delicious dining and socializing with leaders and change-makers in the fight for parental rights. Your generosity is requested as this evening will benefit PERK, Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids.
Special guests Del Bigtree, Nicole Pearson, Jessica Sutta, Dr. Jeffery Barke, Peggy Hall, and Dr. Mark McDonald, with live music from DPAK.
Dimension: 488 x 418
File Size: 48.1 Kb
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