A friend contacted me last night wanting to know, "Where'd you go Jeff?" I stepped away from the political reality here in Washington State for a variety of reasons. First and foremost in Washington State, the Republican Party SUCKS here.......This friend holds several elected positions in the Pierce County Republican Party. He is trying to "Message Better" people like me. We agree across the spectrum about what needs to change here. The problem is people failed to recognize me as an AMERICA who happens to be black. I am not an African America, Minority or token black to be used as a voice into the "Black Community" To hell with all of that! If your community supports Rev Al Sharpton and people of his ilk well, that community can go straight to hell. Like wise if you salivated over Bill Clinton or Obamalamdingdong, to hell with you as well. My friend who is a true friend understands thai about me. I am a Constitutional, Bill of Rights, American Veteran who happens to hold in very high esteem, Rush Limbaugh, President Ronald Reagan, Thomas Sowell, Justice Clarence Thomas and many other common sense Americans who have fought against the lunacy of people like Maxine Waters and a host of dipshits like her in our American history. I am an American 2nd to what GOD purposed! Like an African from Kenya said to me recently, "I did not know I was black until I came to America!"
And no, I don't hate my ethnicity or race...I despise stupid which has a variety of colors
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