Nick Rizzo
on November 3, 2023
The blackboard is absolutely true! But it doesn't tell the whole story. They lie by implying this is imminent. This is typical of the scare tactics used to fool people into doing what woke liberals tell you to do. It is not what they tell you, it is what they don't tell you is most important! The world is going to end in about 5 billion years, we are all going to die eventually someday. "Global warming is changing our climate because of the increase in carbon dioxide emissions!" This is true however; it is not the whole truth! When you do honest scientific research, you find that this is normal! The Earth’s climate is affected by natural cycles of warming and cooling. By comparing climate change over the long term (one million years) graph you see the whole truth, not by selectively cherry picking a 1000-year section to graph to fool people. They lie by implying that this is not natural or normal and you are guilty of causing a problem, etc. etc. You need to see the whole truth! The woke progressives use this same deceptive tactic for virtually all their ridiculous arguments.
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