Diane Sori
on October 31, 2023
Nasim Abu Ajina, the Hamas commander who directed the 10/7 attack on Israel has been killed in an IDF airstrike. May he burn in hell until time itself ends.
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Speedy Gonzalez
God's word, the Bible, if you've ever opened to read it states to learn of the parable of the fig tree. Christ points out its very important to learn there are figs belonging to satan and those that belong to Christ. Figs represent people, bad and good figs. Satan has his children here on earth as ... View More
November 14, 2023 Edited
Diane Sori
Such nonsense..NOT everyone has to believe in Jesus.nor in satan...this is the 21st century NOT the 1st century. And if you people really accept the Bible you'd find that the Jews are God's chosen people. Jesus knew NOTHING of Christians...Christianity came after his death. People ...and the world..... View More
December 2, 2023 Edited
Speedy Gonzalez
Speedy Gonzalez replied - 3 replies