on October 29, 2023
?ΒΏDon't forget to research the Galatians god esus who required his atoning sacrifices to be ritually hung from trees.....HAHA!
Paul liked their god so much he brought it back to Titus who then changed the name of their god from esus to Jesus and then to Yeshua Yahusha or different beliefs created by men. 😬
The Galatians were historically known as the celts. β°πŸ˜’πŸ‘‰Esus was a giant wood cutter god of the Galatian galactic? celtic people.
Isaiah 40-45 warns you about this god all throughout the ages this god would surface under a different name each generation as a woodcutter carpenter sent to die for humanity to ascend to godhood.
So why does your god have the same traits as the new TEST ament carpenter does?
Have you researched this yet??
Follow me for more truth and don't listen to these idol worshipping prophets of baal and Dagon and his ashera.
The past is being brought to account for misleading Yahuwah's people. He said his words and his prophets words alone.
His prophets words are his testimonies for his people......please stop adding to Yahuwah the God of Israel's words and taking from it. He alone gets the glory, not some "carpenter wanna be" related to our God. We serve a jealous God, please use some common sense here.πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈβ°πŸ˜”
#rawhon3sty #truthbetold
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