How David's Kindness to Mephibosheth Demonstrates God's Mercy to Us
II Sam. 9:7: "And David said unto him, Fear not: for I will surely show thee kindness for Johnathan thy father's sake and will restore thee all the land of Saul thy father: and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually."
David's kindness to Jonathan's crippled son in hiding is a picture of how God in Christ offers us the gift of eternal life because of His mercy and grace. David brought Mephibosheth to the King's palace and let him eat at this table. Here is how this tremendous act of kindness is like our salvation:
-Mephibosheth didn't deserve it: David could have easily just let Jonathan live in the desert without interacting with Him. God could have left us alone, but while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us Rom. 5:8.
-David adopted Mephibosheth as his son. We were alienated from God and aliens from God's grace but He who is rich in mercy has made us a Son of God through our faith in Christ. God has made us what only He can do through Christ. Rom. 8:15.
-David did what Mephibosheth could not do. Mephibosheth was crippled and hardly unable to walk, but David sought him, brought him to Jerusalem, and gave Him a new relationship with Him. So, we cannot earn salvation; it is solely what God and He alone can do Eph.2:8-9.
David gave Mephibosheth a new position. Instead of living on scraps in the desert, he dined at the King's table. When he sat at the table, the tablecloth covered his crippled legs, and he had an equal standing as a King's son. He shared in all that David and his sons shared. So, in Christ, we are seen in Christ and will enjoy eternal fellowship with Him Col. 3:3-4
What a great picture we have of all involved in our salvation.
--- Dan Nelson
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