Dave Parrish
on October 9, 2023
Prov. 25: 28 “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit: Is like a city broken down without walls”
God’s Spirit must rule our hearts or sin will always be knocking at the doors seeking entrance when we are the most vulnerable. To be quite honest, we can’t control our spirits. Self-control goes to a certain point. God must constantly be dominant in our thinking through the control of His powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This Proverb warns of an uncontrolled spirit that goes off in people without letting God through us respond to them. We are like a city without walls if we allow our emotions to control us instead of God. Walls protected ancient cities from robbers and hostile armies. We have protection through the Lord if we always appropriate His power. Billy Sunday used to say, “Temptation is sin knocking at the door. Yielding to temptation is opening the door and letting it in to control our lives. Standing up to it and defeating it is letting Jesus come to the door and win over it. That should be the testimony of all believers and our God-yielded spirits to Him.
--- Dan Nelson
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