Viki Bailey Amazing Grace
on September 22, 2023
My life has been open and blessed.
I was that kid that asked "why?" and got my ass beat. My parents were awful.
I would like to excuse them, but not gonna. I chose a different way in this world with my Son. I did not carry on that abuse into another generation.
I prayed to God to take the generational curse away from me.. Every family has one, don't think we don't.
This brings me to the real point of this story. I have lived an amazing life. One I wanted to live. AFTER I got away from my parents. I have seen a lot of this world and like everyone else my age, I did not see the evil within.
I do now.
The darkness that was hidden is being vomited openly in front of us. We are all stunned that it came so fast.
Say what you will, believe it or not, but if President Trump is not successful this time, again, our demise will come at a super sonic pace. NO I do not think he is God. I think he is a business man that loves this country & truly wants to save us. I know we cannot be saved like that, but a reprive from demoncraps would be nice.
I live with in a 10 mile drive to El Paso, TX and all this immigration crap has eluded me so far.
Until 2 days ago.
They are under every tree along Dyer Rd here in the N.E. of El Paso. Until 3 days ago, they were not.
We were not affected. For the first time in my life I feel afraid of living in this area.
NEVER have I ever felt afraid in MY country.
We are doomed if the demoncraps keep doing this. We all know it is ovomits 3rd term as Biden is truly a brainless puppet.
I am armed everyday and have them within every place I can reach in my home. How sad is that?? In my OWN country. The last free one left.
Ovomit did a fantastic job of turning "we Americans" against each other. Now with the medias help.....
I pray everyday for grace for God's country, but I think He has almost had enough. Revelations has arrived.
Look at the age of these men. THINK people, think....
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Sad (1)
Scott Broome
I'm with you, praying for you brother!
September 22, 2023
Scott Broome
Scott Broome replied - 2 replies