Don Killion
on September 16, 2023
Celebrate CO2! Main effect of increasing CO2 in the global atmosphere and oceans is benefiting life on earth.
Sherwood Idso, creator of, did this experiment in 2009. All four trees grown under the same conditions except for the CO2 concentration. Crops and trees benefit like this. Greenhouses have CO2 generators for this reason.
Our own government, OSHA, rates CO2 harmless to humans at 5,000 ppm exposure levels (PEL). CO2 only makes up 0.0421% of the atmosphere and is about 400 ppm. Historically, it’s been as high as 1,000 ppm. There is no scientific proof that CO2 causes climate change, only claptrap from those benefiting enormously from the #ClimateScam
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Thomas Gutpell
Before the Industrial Revolution CO2 was only 280 ppm and plants were struggling.Even within my lifetime crops like Soybeans are growing better with more CO2 in the atmosphere - now at 422ppm.And in India farm crops are having record yields.And the only reason we're doing better is because we were u... View More
September 23, 2023
Don Killion
Don Killion replied - 1 reply