Jason C Stevens
on November 7, 2020
: / *What A Bunch Of Dirty Unfair Lying Leftist Assholes* !!!! : / *130,000 VOTES IN ONE HOUR FOR BIDEN IN WISCONSIN , & NONE , 0 VOTES FOR TRUMP* ????!!!!!! : / *GTFOOH* !!!!!!! : / *ARE YOU PEOPLE REALLY THAT STUPID* ????!!!!! : / *OR ARE YOU JUST THAT MUCH OF A BUNCH OF DIRTY , UNFAIR , LEFTIST LIARS* ?????? : / *I Truly & Definitely Think That You Are BOTH* !!!! : / *Take This Rigged Fraudulent Election , & Shove It Up Your Dirty , Unfair , Lying , Leftist , Arse's* !!!! : /
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