on September 3, 2023
The election cycle has begun which automaticlly means the following
1) Ramp up of corona Virus
2) Mask Mandates
3) Lock downs
4) Fake news begins taking steroids
5) Fixed Elections (Your vote will be over shadowed by millions of illegal votes)
6) The Christians won't vote by the millions
7) Every person who supports BLM, Transgender, LGBT, and the socialist party most still call the Democrats will vote as though committed crack heads
8) The Republican party will continue to investigate all of the above until this generation passes away.
9) The Facebook, Google, You Tube, LinkedIn, folks will uptick sensoring of common sense and truth.
10) The global community that follows stupidity and rejects common sense will support all of the above.
The next president of the United States of America might even be Hunter Biden if all of the above is successful........... again!
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Richard A Uhlhorn
Pretty accurate assessment...pisses ya right off!
September 3, 2023
JeffSMorton replied - 1 reply