on August 30, 2023
There's has been nothing natural about the horrific disasters that have been taking place around the world, hurricanes, massive fires of unprecedented magnitude of heat equal to a Direct Energy weapon or incinerary bombs, tsunamis and earthquakes.
Weather management weapons of mass destruction, DEW and geoengineering weather management companies have been around for over 40 years if anyone would bother to do their research they would know this, President Johnson declared while he was president that they have now the power to control the weather and he makes a statement "those who control the weather control the world," the military industrial complex has these weapons and they've been using it against the people to push their climate change b******* agenda on us. The Maui fire has all the identifying markers of an attack and they used the Florida hurricane to distract the public away from the Maui fire where over 1 thousand children are still missing. We the PEOPLE around the WORLD who will not comply with the globalist Nazi fascist plan of owning nothing and being happy or else are and have been under ATTACK, This Is War and we require our Marines to come in and go after these evil Predators trying to fulfill their globalist agenda, we are witnessing a fascist takeover and if we don't give up the land they'll take it from us using WEATHER WARFARE so that they could disguise it as being natural or climate change to pursue their goal to control every aspect of Our Lives. We are under attack on American soil and require our military to protect the people from these evil parasites.
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