Lisa McDonald
on August 23, 2023
The Thirteen Grandmothers Spiritual Connection
That moment when you realize you really do stand alone..and it's okay;
When gossip and lies poisoned minds towards you..
The first reaction is wanting to defend yourself, then realizing no matter what you say, their minds have already formed an opinion and that in all honesty, no one who truly cared about you, would take part in a mob mentality against you..
so we look at ourselves, and see we aren't those things that others are gossiping and lying about, and see how it really is none of our business, what others say or think about us' says more about them than about us..
yes it's hurtful when we hear them, the pain we come to realize is their pain, being projected outward, we soon find our heart centre and start sending out Love...
yes, we make mistakes, everyone does and we learn from them..
we are not those mistakes, we are not who we were then, we need to remember that..
life doesn't come with a manual, it's pretty much a hands on learning experience..
it is up to us to learn as much as we can, in turn sharing what we have learnt with others, simply because we have compassion through our own experiences in the school of hard knocks, being a simple light upon the path helps others in ways that we could never imagine..
the best we can do is to seek our own approval, when we approve of self, nothing others say matters, we walk our talk, from the heart..
in this moment, here and now, we take a deep breath, filling ourselves with Life's Love Energies and give thanks that we made it this far in life..
we take another deep breath and fill ourselves with the Power of Life and know we will keep moving forward in Gratitude of all that we endured to become who we are meant to be...
we stand strong in our Heart Centre, our minds focused on our own journey and our Spirit is at Peace..
in this moment of here and now, we are the creators of our reality..
may our reality be filled with beauty, may we be empowered to walk with grace through all that life throws our way..
we find we are no longer bound by gossip and lies, we are free to Be..
we walk away from those who try to put us down, in their effort to dim our Light, so that their own darkness doesn't show, family or friends, does not matter..
we don't stop Loving and Caring about them, we simply no longer accept the negativity into our reality..
we may stand alone for a while, better to be alone and empowered, than surrounded by people and lost..
soon enough, we begin to see our world fill up again, this time though, the people that surround us, lift us up, empower us, love us unconditionally, and add beauty to our realities..
This is the Oneness of Creation
Live, Love, Laugh
~ Life is too short to waste otherwise ~
Dimension: 434 x 650
File Size: 53.89 Kb
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