Troy Johnson
on November 5, 2020
Telling you right now, there is no way in fucking hell. Joe Biden is winning this election. This is the most injustice, voter fraud election ever in history. We cant set back and allow this to happen. The leftest Democrates have planned this thing since 2016. This fucking pandemic, set in place by Fauci, Bill Gates, and Pelosi and the rest of the Socialist faggetts. Our goverment is out of control and needs to be reset. Its time for the sleeping giant to awaken and put our goverment in check. This is absolutley sickening. This mail in ballot cluster fuck is all part of the democrates voter fraud scam. We need to stand behind our President and demand a recount and that our constitution is used to fix this fucked up mess. Im one pissed off PATRIOT, and you all should be to.
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