Blackbird Cottage
on November 4, 2020
Today's tarot card is quite uplifting. The keywords associated with the 6 of Pentacles are: Generosity, Luck, Sharing
Generosity has less to do with distributing material goods--although that can be and is often quite helpful to people experiencing difficulties. It *is* a kindness to look after members of our community through *voluntary* efforts of *individuals*. What is rarer though--and what we desperately need in the age of social media stoking a civil war of words is a generosity of spirit.
In order to rebuild, the opposition will need to rediscover the humanity of the people they disagree with. This will not occur overnight, and the degree of programming to overcome should not be underestimated--but when and as people are willing to reconsider their premises it is vital that we reward their efforts by a touch of kindness.
Granted, this may not be easy to do. When one is falsely accused of being a Nazi, or a racist/sexist/whatever-victim-group-of-the-day-phobic relentlessly and over a long period of time when one has done *nothing* to deserve such insults it is challenging to accept extended olive branches when they come, let alone take them at face value.
Despite it all, people can and do evolve--and it is easier for it to stick when their efforts are acknowledged.
Dimension: 736 x 1146
File Size: 305.85 Kb
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