Mind Blowing my friend is working on the pipe line in Pennsylvania on New York line. He is 20 minutes from this supposed pipeline explosion. This is all Fake. There is no gas in the line to explode. The locals are saying this is a lié and is not happening! False Flag Event. But I bet you didn't even know they've been opening back up the pipelines either!!! It's nuts the crazy green folks are creating problems for the Pipe Line Workers. One day this week 2 line men were offered cold water bottles and they accepted The bottles were laced with Fentonoyl and it killed them. This is a Federal issue but you know they aren't going to do anything but cover it up. This needs to be passed on. TRUTH and Exposure is the only answer...if you want to forward this to others.
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Heather Robosky
Where is this? Something happened in Pittsburgh over the weekend. Waiting for them to say something happened at the closed Homer City generation station. I can see it from my house.

Leavus Salone
Rt 81 isn't near Strasburg, PA.