Thomas Pandolf
on October 31, 2020
In 1992 Bill Clinton ran a presidential campaign against incumbent president George HW Bush and his campaign rhetoric was vote for change. After eight years of change the majority of the electorate not living in major cities voted overwhelmingly to return the economy to where it was prior to Clinton taking office. After eight years of George W Bush, country voted historically across party lines to elect its first black president who campaign on his rhetoric of Hope and change. During his tenure as president he pushed through the most radical health insurance reform in the history of the country. He did not campaign for it and he did not get elected based on that platform. He also did not receive overwhelming bipartisan support 4 this groundbreaking legislation. In fact they changed the rules in the Senate in order to push it through despite opposition from the minority. After 8 years of the iron-fisted ruling of Barack Mohammed Hussein Obama, the country once again an overwhelming majority everywhere but the major cities elected someone to reverse course. Candidate Donald Trump was a bombastic, insulting, tough talking New Yorker, who was elected to drain the swamp, restore our economic prosperity, correct decades of trade abuse by Foreign governments and restore our migration system so it became merit-based as opposed to a free-for-all. President Trump kept every one of those promises and in the meantime encourage economic prosperity the lakes that have never been seen before. He has also made peace deals all over the globe and not just kept us out of Foreign Wars but reduced our troops footprint in places we thought we'd never get out of. He is still a bombastic, insulting top parking New Yorker, who keeps his word. His opponent is running on D accomplishments of the previous administration that we elected Donald Trump to undo. He's also a criminal who sold his soul and our nation to enrich his entire family and Network. He is a liar, a thief and is guilty of treason. And he is now running an ad telling you that you can keep your doctor if you like him. Something he and President Obama promised you 10 years ago and did not deliver. He is once again lying through his teeth. He is also now an angry old man who has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and he is blaming everyone else for the crime syndicate that he not only fostered, he ran it like a true Godfather. He was paid a pittance for his protection and his influence. He helped set up an economic system that was put in place to help fund a failing health insurance system and then he set up corporations to protect himself from having to pay into that system. He believe so strongly in his health insurance system that he doesn't pay into supporting it, nor does he have to draw from it to treat what will soon be a diagnosed illness of dementia. After seeing everything that I just laid out oh, you decided to or have already decided to vote for this miscreant, I will not honor you with the acceptance of an apology. If this piece of garbage gets into office I will hold you in every single person that voted for him personally responsible
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